Another article focusing on
Ulupalakua Ranch an their donation to the Maui Coastal Land Trust. Oprah Winfrey bought a neighboring 1000 acres and there is some concern about the potential for developing that.
Art Medeiros who has led the effort to restore 30 acres of native forest said:
"I've worked with the Erdman family for 25 years, and I know one thing about them: They know how to keep a business healthy and do the right thing for the community. They are interested in cows but also in keeping the lifestyle of cowboys or paniolo alive on Maui. And they've done the same thing with me for Auwahi."
Chris Hamilton article is well worth reading.
Carl and Rae Lindquist of Hana are missing after their car was found damaged in a streambed. On their way to their Ulaino Road residence after Thanksgiving dinner at Hotel Hana Maui, "it is believed that their vehicle was swept into the streambed by the water, which was caused by heavy rains," a police news release said. Lindquist is a former realtor and member of Lingle's Maui Advisory Board. Police and Fire are searching the area and the coast.
Hana residents report that the rain was so torrential with water pouring across Hana Hwy that you couldn't even see the centerline of the road or where the road edges were, making it tricky to stay on the highway.
Coach Joe Duran says his Baldwin
high school girls softball team is getting the short end of the stick and being moved to a field inferior to that which the boys get. And he says, he'll appeal to the County Council, the League and the ACLU. Park and athletic directors respond that there is a real shortage of playing fields. We saw this same problem last year when MIL changed their season time and it then overlapped with Little League. It is hoped that the State will fund an athletic field at Baldwin High School which would solve this conflict.
Francisco "Baba" Gomes is the subject of photos and a story about his coconut hat weaving and yoga and qigong classes.
Amanda Cowan took a photo of
Woody Goble of Goble’s Flower Farmat the swap meet. Seems like there wouldn't be much content in the Maui News if it weren't for Amanda's and Matt Thayer's photos.
Today's editorial lauds the Erdmans for donating 12,000 acres of land to the Maui Land Trust. We also thank them.
Letters to the Editor
Marie DeJournette answers the question "Who is it that has the wide selection of chocolates" with Mana Foods in Paia. Readers of Maui News Talk Back already knew this.
Jack Berberich says that Hawaii schools are ranked lowest in the nation and that they need more hours. Then he says she saw 8-10 county workers just standing around instead of clearing brush.
Dennis Lokmer points out that countries who provide health care to their citizens have higher taxes and wonders whether U.S. politicians can raise taxes.
Barbara Lund doesn't like it that one family is obstructing the Honzawa store rezoning in Haiku an states that the store should have been upzoned back in the 90s when other commercial ventures in the area were upzoned.
Bill Love thinks that the restrictions on beach wedding businesses and Lahaina's Halloween caused the reduction of tourism money and satirically says since the EA Sports brought in tourists, it will probably be banned next.
Newsflash, Bill, the entire world is in an economic meltdown. I doubt the weddings ban and Halloween had much to do with the decline of tourism. It is always in hard times that people work to take more than their share of the commons and then when times are good, we have to deal with being shut out of our own beaches as the wedding business booms.
David Chandler wants TV to show West Coast football teams not east coast.
Mitzi Toro appreciates Kalama Intermediate school principal John Costales Jr.
Maggie Dickison points out that spitting is disgusting and germy for the barefoot kids who walk through it. That's why local kids wear slippers, Maggie.
David DeLeon (realtor and known as "Mr Pave It Over") wants to amend the workforce housing bill.
Al and the Rev. Pua Hashimoto thank the churches involved in their Jail ministry.
Robert Faux points out that the Hawai'i State Constitution requires that the government educate children and that parents and teachers should work together.
Former L.A. police department employee and Lingle apologist,Terri Churchill thinks Sarah Palin is more qualified to be president than Barack Obama.
Tom Paine says the Dept of Education could save 10% by laying off the administration "fat cats" and then vote the incumbents out.
Les Potts thanks Paul Kasprzycki for his efforts to take back Olowalu State Beach Preserve from the owners of the luxury property at the south end of Olowalu who think the beach is their private estate. He says:
The truth is the property line is about two feet from the porch and their expansive lawn and palms (a good place for a couple of picnic tables) are on state land and will now be open to the public.
Former Washington State resident, James P. Shenfield offers the GOP talking points against reform. They're really pushing selling across state lines. That will allow companies to incorporate in the most lax state and offer insurance with the most gotchas (pre-existing conditions, high out-of-pocket, lots of stuff not covered) in a race to the bottom.
Gregg Bryant urgest the U.S. to adopt a single payer health system (like we have in Medicare, the Veterans System and federal employees get).
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