After reading some fluff about Christmas and flu shots we get to the real news.
The EPA required gas capture system at
Maui County Landfill is in and we're now negotiating fines. Yeah, way to go EPA. Maui is struggling financially and instead of giving us some money so we can meet your requirements you want to take away money. That will certainly help us do the best job possible.
The State says the county allowed polluted storm water to run out of the Molokai and Lanai landfills, did not adequately contain motor oil, did not maintain storm water detention basins at Hana landfill, and allowed scrap vehicle operation.
The state wanted $32,000 for the Molokai violation, $17,600 for Lanai, and $12,700 for Hana but appears ready to allow Maui County to use that money to build additional pollution control facilities.
More fluff with a photo of
Shane Victorino and 2-year old daughter at his charity golf game.
12-18 foot surf on the north shore today.
Azeka Shopping Center and KHON channel 2 are sponsoring a gift drop-off for the needy.
Comments on the County's "
Sustainable Energy: Strategies for Implementation" have been extended until 4 p.m. Dec. 4. If you want to shape an affordable energy future, follow the above link and comment. Otherwise we'll get stuck with big, expensive projects.
Akaku TV offices will be closed Thursday and Friday
Road work delays M-W 8:30-3:30 - Hana Hwy near Hansons Rd, Honoapiilani Highway closed between Aholo and Lahainaluna, Kalae High-way on Molokai closed in both directions between Maunaloa Highway and Kalaupapa Lookout, 1 lane only for Maunaloa Highway on Molokai between Mile Post 5 and Mile Post 7
Editorial is about the assassination of President Kennedy. I notice they say nothing about the hate talk on the rightwing Fox and radio shows that is inciting other lunatics to attack our current President. We should all be condemning extremist, violent talk.
Greg LaGoy executive director of Hospice Maui writes that there shouldn't be any competitors to his organization because then they'd have to spend too much money on marketing. Oh really? Do you really need to get more dieing clients? Isn't marketing what is so terribly wrong with our pharmaceutical and healthcare "businesses"?
Norm Franco advocates "agricultural condos" where a group of houses go together to lease or buy land for growing food. He points out (quite rightly) that the $ has been devalued and food costs are rising precipitously. His idea - a variation on the community garden - smart and useful. Is Norm related to Stan? Because both these letter writers post useful information.
Rep. Mazie Hirono writes a rebuttle to the Maui News knee-jerk GOP editorial dissing her amendment which allows Hawai'i the option to stay under its pre-paid health care plan or opt into the plan which is included in the Federal Healthcare Reform bill.
The Maui News was really reaching in their criticism of Mazie Hirono's amendment but I guess that you have to reach when you are trying to boost a GOP candidate against such a popular Representative as Mazie who has kept every single one of her campaign promises and seems unusually free from corporate influence.
Emily Hossellman from Oahu is all bent out of shape because Senator Roz Baker called Gov. Lingle on her vendetta against the teacher's union. Why would the Maui News run a letter from someone on Oahu when they are rejecting letters due to a cut back on space?
Karen Chun, while agreeing that the bank bailout was a sell-out of the American people, came to the defense of Rep Hirono's truth in lending bill.
Allen Vierra warns that developers are after the water.
Responding to the letter saying Paia was better than Lahaina, Norm Bezane praises Lahaina's Sammy Kadotani for all his volunteerism and Larry Sarner agrees that the Lahaina Halloween should be controlled. Larry also says, "Thank God Paia is no Lahaina" and wants to know what store it is that has "the widest selection of chocolate bars to be found anywhere"".
It's Mana Foods, Larry. But good luck finding parking!
Rod Kunishige who is listed as being from Wailuku (and there are a lot of Kunishiges in Wailuku so maybe he was born there) but comes up as from San Jose on an internet search, presents the "czars and Hitler" GOP talking point.
Come on, Maui News, this stuff is old, old, old and annoying. And it is just the kind of crazy talk that should have been condemned in your editorial mourning the assassination of President Kennedy. Instead you print this garbage that encourages unstable people to think that they are justified in using violence against our democratically elected President. Hitler indeed!
Dennis Lokmer objects to stereotyping (and witch hunting) of Muslims with a sarcastic and oblique reference to Manzanar which hits home for the many of us who have kupuna who were rounded up into concentration camps during WWII for the crime of having Japanese ancestry.
Fred R. Wilson is dissing the Democrats for not putting something - I'm not sure what - in the Health Care Reform Bill.
Sherri Curry urges those of us who are laid off to volunteer at the schools. Good idea!
Jeff Churchill objects to government subsidies of Waikiki sand replenishment. I'm not sure who pays for this...possibly the City and County of Honolulu? He uses this to object to the "nanny state" (GOP catch phrase) and urge us to vote 'em out.
Jeff entirely misses a far, far bigger problem with the Waikiki sand replenishment. That sand comes from Maui and A&B has sold off the top 30' of dunes to be exported by weekly barge to 'Oahu. The result is our sand is estimated to run out (I know this sounds impossible) in the next couple of years.
For those of you saying, "big deal, who needs inland sand?", here is why. That sand is used to make cement. Without a local supply of sand (and we are not allowed to mine it from the ocean or beaches) we have to import our concrete sand from Australia. Notice that concrete has gone way, way up in price? That's partially because China has kapu'd cement for their huge construction projects but also because sand is becoming more expensive. Imagine how costly construction will be when we are importing from Australia.
Gabrielle Galler-Rimm wants more funding for the Humane Society and tells the story of slow response to a loose, stray dog that got hit by a car.
Bill Pietsch thinks the GOP should be charged with fraud and treason for running such an unqualified candidate as Sarah Palin. I would charge him with repeating Democratic talking points but the Democrats don't say this as they are busy encouraging the GOP to run Palin as they feel it is a sure fire road to Democratic victory. Sorry, Bill. Any idiot can run for office and almost all of them - Dem or Rep - are packaged to look a whole lot better than they really are.
Francis K. Ibara makes a very good point that Republicans are dissing Obama for deficit spending while at the same time pushing for a Afghan troop buildup. He says,
"Doesn't it cost money to pay for this buildup? Spending money at home is much better than spending money in other countries. What mentality. We should build up our defense at home and mind our own business in other countries."
Amen, Francis!
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