Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Mary Cochran Slams "Tree Huggers"

Paia County Council Candidate, Mary Cochran (not to be confused with candidate Elle Cochran - no relation and no similarity!) slammed Hawaiians, environmentalists and GPAC planners with this statement:

 "But there comes a time when we all have to agree that there's a need, and maybe one or two trees gotta go.  You can't just keep hugging trees. The industry is so stagnant without water here on Maui."
She's probably courting the union vote which she needs to do since the HSTA is really po'd that she allowed teacher furloughs to go forward as a member of the Board of Education.

For an amusing satirical website see which, as one commenter said, "would be hilarious if is weren't so true!".

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