Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Lead article is full of tears for the naupaka hedges beachside of Kihei's Mana Kai Resort and Hale Hui Kai Condominium.  One is left with the lingering impression that DLNR are the bad guys here.

On the contrary, naupaka hedges have long been used by the wealthy owners of ocean-front mansions and resorts to illegally extend their properties and block the riff-raff (that's you and me) from our constitutionally guaranteed right to ocean access.

Buried deep in the article:  "DLNR also determined that the spread of the naupaka was artificially induced by irrigation, not only creating barriers but giving the impression that the area is privately owned."  Hale Hui Kai is also being required to remove their irrigation, stepping stones and artificial hardening from the State beach.

Much finger pointing asking Where's the Stimulus Money for Maui County.  The Administration says it's the long and laborious application process.  Mayor Tavares applied for 26 projects and  $33.4 million and so far is confirmed to recieve $11,300,000.

Unbelievably, the Feds rejected a request to put solar hot water heaters on county swimming pools as frivilous.

But they did give the county $600,000 to hire a team to audit the county building's energy use - something a private company selling the actual energy-savings material would have done for free.

I love Mike Molina's comment:  "I understand people are frustrated because the money has been a little slow to arrive,  But we are talking about the federal government."

There will be a rally along Kaahumanu Avenue to mark National Homeless Awareness Week followed by Stomp Out Hunger at the War Memorial Soccer Field. The goal is to raise $100,000 for "Feed My Sheep".  The number of homeless on Maui is unknown but 1,115 of them are housed in Hale Makana, Ka Hale A Ke Ola and other shelters.  For more info contact Pastor Jonavan Asato, the Stomp Out Hunger coordinator, at 276-2398

Feed My Sheep says:
"For far too long, the public's image of homelessness is that of the 'chronic' homeless individual who panhandles for money, is possibly a substance abuser, and who seems unmotivated to work toward self-sufficiency... this image, while accurate for some, is not the true face of homelessness.

"We know of many working families who earn minimum wages and who cannot afford to pay rent and utilities, and thus are compelled to live in their vehicles or in the backyards of family members, or who are forced to seek help in homeless shelters.
Which seems to bring up the point - why is it no longer politically correct to differentiate between the deserving poor and the substance abusers and criminals?

In another puff piece for one of their big advertisers, Maui News lauds Times Supermarket and its take-over of the Kihei Star Market.  Ironically, the last line of this slobbering tribute is:
The two Maui stores will employ approximately 150 people, including many former Star Market employees.
"We have not hired any new people and kept a lot of positions at Times open to preserve as many jobs for the former Star employees as possible," Stout said.
What is not mentioned is the years-long union-busting that Times Supermarket has been engaged in and the pay and benefit cuts it imposed on employees.

Times removed jobs of long-time employees, many of them female, drastically reduced healthcare for injured workers and their families, took away the guarantee of a 40-hour workweek for full-time workers, eliminated the employee annuity (retirement) plan and lied when it said it would recall union workers by seniority.  See more about the Boycott of Time Supermarket at

In crime news, Judge Cardoza sententenced Georgette Stevens of Molokai to a five-year prison term for stealing an iPod, wallet and checkbook from a vehicle in a Kaunakakai. She was already convicted of four counts each of third-degree promotion of a dangerous drug and possessing drug paraphernalia.

She apologized to the victim.  What baloney!  Of course they always apologize.  Their lawyer tells them the judge will go softer on them.  But their apology is worthless because it does not come with a commitment not to repeat the act.  Why even include this in the story?

In another druggie case Keoki "Kahi" Cabebe was sentenced for criminal tresspass and attempted assault.  He was already on probation for second-degree robbery, unauthorized control of a propelled vehicle and unauthorized entry into a motor vehicle.

  • On Lower Honoapiilani Highway, the right-turn lane onto Honoapiilani Highway in the Lahaina-bound direction will be closed through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. to build a curb island.
  • Lahainaluna Road from Kelawea Street to Ikena Avenue will be closed through Sunday for work related to the Honoapiilani Highway Realignment project. Detours will be in effect; there will be no access between Kelawaea Street and Ikena Avenue.
  • Shoulder-lane excavations are planned for Hana Highway from Hansen Road to Haleakala Highway through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. The right lane of Hana Highway will be closed intermittently during the work.

Trash wasn't picked up Tuesday in Kula due to staff shortages

Today's editorial is a pitch to donate to the Maui Food Bank

In today's Letters to the Editor Warren Watanabe writes a long viewpoint extolling Maui agriculture with his informational nuggets buried towards the end.
"our costs of doing business are much higher than those of our global competitors and local products are often undercut at the market by cheaper imports....Enhance public policies to support agriculture's needs. Understand that dust, smoke and dirt are all part of farming. Buy local."
Then he says,
"Some think we should only have small family farms... Larger companies are able to invest in infrastructure and research that benefit others growers."
I guess Warren has to dance to Monsanto's tune here since they are the 800 pound gorilla in the Farm Bureau.  But a lot of us think very poorly of the "research" that Monsanto is conducting with Maui residents as guinea pigs.
"The state Legislature passed the Important Agricultural Lands bill to encourage businesses to dedicate their land to agriculture."
This was actually a give-away to big land owners like A&B, allowing them to turn a significant portion of their land into Rural designation (which means they can develop it for gentleman's estates, golf courses, etc) while at the same time giving no real requirement that they keep the remaining land in agriculture.
"We need water. The state Commission on Water Resource Management will soon be making decisions about our stream waters that could dramatically impact all water users on Maui. It's critical that all of us - residents, businesses, farmers and ranchers - share our thoughts on this critical issue with our government leaders and the water commissioners."
Ah ha!  Now we get to the nitty gritty.  Warren wants the Water Commission to keep stealing from the taro farmers and the public by getting us to pressure for water to go to HC&S.

Next Steve Alumbaugh writes that the Federal government should get out of telling us how to run our schools.

Carol Pratt is irate (as most women are) that the Stupak (Stupid) amendment is restricting contraception and abortion in the Health Care Reform bill.  Some information that wasn't in her letter:  The amendment goes far beyond the current Hatch Act which prohibits Federal funds for abortion and would most likely have the effect of removing abortion coverage from all health insurance.

Stupak, a Democrat, resides at the notorious C-Street religious cult run by Hilter-worshipping Doug Coe.  Proving that religious cult members dedicated to turning back Medicare, Social Security and fighting unions come in all political stripes - not just Republican.

You may recall that C-Streeters while professing piety and living in a tax-exempt "church" have been caught paying off mistresses, etc.  Read more about this powerful cult at Jesus Plus Nothing: Undercover among America's secret theocrats by Jeff Sharlet

Bill Blietz is unhappy that AARP supports Health Care Reform.

Bill Pietsch feels that the Afghan government is corrupt and we should get out now.  (I think most of America agrees with you, Bill).  And he wants an intelligible announcer at MIL football games.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering if the introduction of the Stupak amendment restricting abortion insurance coverage was simply part of a plan the C-Streeters cooked up to derail Health Care Reform.

These guys have been working against social programs since their organization was formed in 1935. This might be a chess move on their part to torpedo the bill.